Adjust Windows 7 for best performance (netbooks only)
1. Hit Start2. Enter “SystemPropertiesPerformance” into the search field, hit enter
3. Select “Adjust for best Performance” or at least uncheck the first two entries
Turn off services and boost your Windows 7 gaming performance!
To turn off all those unnecessary services we use a tool called “GameBooster”, it’s obviously only one of the ways to do it, but it’s a lot faster than doing it manually. You can temporarily stop all services (that are not required) while you play. Best of all, you can even edit the services list with just a couple clicks and add more services to get even more performance.Download Gamebooster
Boost Windows 7 Gaming Performance with GameBooster
What other services should I add to this list?
Computer Browser (Browser=1)
Protected Storage (ProtectedStorage=1)
Remote Registry (RemoteRegistry=1)
Secondary Logon (seclogon=1)
Security Center (wscsvc=1)
Themes (Themes=1)
Windows Errors Reporting Service (WerSvc=1)
Windows Media Center Service Launcher (ehstart=1)
Windows Search (WSearch=1)
Windows Time (W32Time=1)
- Link: Complete list of Windows 7 services that are safe to disable
- Link: How to disable Windows 7 services
Speed Up Windows 7 Boot
Update 04/21: This tweak does not seem to have great effects on your boot time. Instead use a startup programs manager for Windows 7 and remove as many startup programs as you possibly can.Do you have a dual-core or quad-core processor? Great, let’s lower the boot time of Windows 7:
1. Click on Start, enter “msconfig” into the search field
2. Open the “boot” tab
3. Click on Advanced
4. Check “Number of proccessors” and select “2″ or “4″ from the dropdown menu. (obviously, you can only select it if you have a dual-core/quad-core).
Speed Up Windows 7 Boot
Speed up Windows 7: Change Taskbar Thumbnail Preview Time
1. Click on Start, enter “regedit” into the search field.2. Goto: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
Speed Up Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Preview
Change the mouse hover time to 100 or lower
Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown Time
1. Open the registry editor (enter regedit into search field)2. Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control”
3. Lower the value (12000 is the default value = 12 seconds) to a value of your choice
Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown
Speed Up Application Access – Increase your productivity
First of all create a folder “QuickStart” somewhere on your PC. Right-click on your taskbar:Locate the folder “QuickStart” (you just created the folder so yo should know where it is) and then click “Ok”. You are almost done, but we don’t want that ugly text on our taskbar that is using a lot of space, turn it off:
Right-click on the new toolbar and uncheck “Show Text” and “Show Title”! Now drag the toolbar to the left until it’s below the main icons and you will have something like this:
Speed Up Windows 7 Using ReadyBoost
Ok, now all unnecessary services are stopped. What would be the next logical step? When AMD and Microsoft were not able to increase the CPU power significantly any more, they simply added more CPU’s, that’s why we have dual and quad-core CPU’s nowadays. So, what you can do is to get more RAM. However, we don’t want to buy anything new, because we’re on a low budget. Although, I am sure that you own an USB-stick , right?Since Windows Vista there is a little feature, that most people do NOT use effectively. To be honest with you, I haven’t used it myself and I might run into errors while I try to show it to you. The feature is called ReadyBoost and can give you up to 6% more performance. This depends on the amount of RAM you have. Low-End system with less RAM will see a great performance increase and many applications will load faster. Since Windows 7 there is no longer a memory limit of 4GB and you can use several devices for ReadyBoost.
1. Plugin your USB-stick
2. Move all your files on that stick into a folder on your hard drive to make room.
3. Start the Explorer (Windows + E), do a right-click on your drive and select properties.
4. Open the tab ReadyBoost and pick Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost. Click on Apply.
5. Repeat the steps 1-4 for all other devices (unlimited)
ReadyBoost - increase your performance by 4-6%
ReadyBoost Cache (898MB)
Check if ReadyBoost is working
What’s next? Right, did it really improve my performance or is a USB-stick (not even USB2.0) insufficient? First of all, I did a check to see if the ReadyBoost drive is working.1. Goto “Start” – Enter “Performance” into the search field
2. Click on “Performance Monitor”
3. Add “ReadyBoost Cache”
Add "ReadyBoost Cache"
I started the game “Command&Conquer Red Alert 3″. I thought if my drive is working, I should be able to see something now – and I was right: Click here to open the results in a new windows .
According to Tom Archer, your card is supposed to have the following requirements:
2.5MB/sec throughput for 4K random reads and 1.75MB/sec throughput for 512K random writes
Tom also put together a great list that will answer any question you might have about ReadyBoost, for example:
Q: Aren’t Hard Disks faster than flash? My HDD has 80MB/sec throughput. A: Hard drives are great for large sequential I/O. For those situations, ReadyBoost gets out of the way. We concentrate on improving the performance of small, random I/Os, like paging to and from disk.Make sure to visit Tom’s Blog if you want to know anything about ReadyBoost.
Speed test your SD Card, CF Card, Flash Drive, HDD
Next, I downloaded a tool called “Crystal Disk Mark”, which is pretty cool to speed test your sd cards, flash drives and any other disk. In the meantime, I added my USB2.0 Card Reader, one 2GB CF Card and one 2GB SD Card (lucky me), because I was pretty sure that my MP3-Player wouldn’t perform very well.Download Crystal Disk Mark
Unfortunately, the results were very close to the requirements, but still below:
Benchmark of my 2GB CF Card
Benchmark of my 2GB SD Card
Benchmark of my 1TB HDD (Seagate 31000)
Can ReadyBoost really help me to boost my performance?
Is the performance boost notable? Well, it might be a bit early to comment on that, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that this is a good choice for low-end systems and systems with less RAM. On systems with more RAM than 1GB it will be only notable if you run some resource-hungry programs or programs that run a lot of small, random I/Os.Do you want to dig a little more?
Read this article if you want to increase your storage card speed: Optimize Storage Card Speed
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