There has not been a direct service from any of the popular email services for getting a SMS alert for receiving a new email in your inbox. Well here is a trick to do just that !!.The trick allows you to get free SMS alerts for any mobile network in india , as soon as you receive a new email in your email inbox and for free.
So here are the steps for setting the SMS updates.
SMS configurationsStep 1 : Register a account for free SMS service like site2sms.Then log into your Dashboard after verifying your account.Gmail configurations
Step 2 : Here at the top you will notice a new option called Email2sms alerts in your Dashboard.Click the link and it will take you to its settings page.
Step 3 : In the settings page , Activate the service and then check the preferred time and days for receiving the alerts. You can even block some email id s from not receiving the alerts.
Step 4 : Note down your unique site2sms email id “”, and next configure your email for the Alerts.
Step 1 : Log into your email id and click on the Settings and then click on ‘FORWARDING/POP/IMAP’ option.
get sms alerts when you receice emails
get sms alerts when you receice emails
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